Monday, August 31, 2009

So what have we been up to

As summer comes to an end and my anxiety over Kyle starting Kindergarten begins, I thought I would take some time to recap some fun times we've had over the last few weeks. I really, really enjoy the summer but experiencing today's low humidity 75 degree day, really gets me excited for fall. We have had a very fun and very busy summer and we have been blessed to be able to take the kids to some really cool places this year.

So what has Alyssa been up to lately?

Well I'm so glad you asked! I have really enjoyed spending some "one on one" time with my daughter and watching her become so "girly."

I love how she watches me put my heels on for work and gets upset because she cant wear hers to daycare. She has developed a love for high heel shoes and it makes me all warm and tingly inside.

She goes no where without her purse and her sunglasses. She must have her sunglasses positioned on her head when not in use and she insists that I do exactly the same.

She is also a lover of rocks and I have to check her pockets every night because she seems to always come home with "baby rocks" from the daycare. She matches and sorts them by color and she loves using the word "similar" when describing her rocks.

She's gotten really good at pedaling her tricycle down our driveway and she loves racing Kyle on his bike every afternoon when we get home. It can be 117 degrees outside with 100 percent humidity, and she will want to be out playing in it.

I know she wont always feel this way, but at least for now, she is my best friend and I am hers. She is truly my breath of fresh air.

So what has Kyle been up to lately?

Well I am so glad you asked! I have watched Kyle grow up right before my very eyes this summer. He is becoming quite a little man lately I really love how he is showing his new found independence.


Still very active, he started playing soccer again this year and he loves it! He skills have definitely improved since last spring.

I look forward to the start of school and all of what fall has to offer us!

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