Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New beginnings

Yesterday was the first day of school and it had me so exhausted I had to drink a bud light lime just to calm my nerves. As supposed to the other days I come home and drink one when my nerves are just fine. And just to be clear, I drank the bud light lime after school as opposed to drinking before he got on the bus like I wanted to. And when I say before he got on the bus, I really mean before I drove him to school because the bus totally forgot to pick him up.

You cant even make this stuff up people.

But at least the bus dropped him off at the right spot and time that afternoon.

This morning, Kyle decided to go all drill sergeant on us for fear that the bus was going to leave him again. He kept rushing us and looking out the window to make sure the bus hadn't passed our house. I walked outside to load some stuff in the car and I hear a bus. I run inside and yell "Kylethebusishereputyourshoesonfast!" as loud as I could and run back outside and flail my arms around in a pathetic attempt to stop the bus. He actually waves at me and continues to drive past my house. I catch a glimpse of the bus number and relieved I realize it's not his bus.

It's not even a bus for the same school district.

So now that Kyle's got my nerves on super sensitive mode, we decide the best thing to do is walk to the bus stop 15 minutes early and just wait.

So we did. 15 minutes later, she pulled up.

And Kyle boarded the bus. I'm cant be sure but I think the bus driver is either telling him to turn around or welcoming him to his nightmare.

As anxious as I was before this day, I have to say that I handled everything much better than I thought I would. I even dug out his baby pictures the night before and chased T around the house with a pregnancy picture saying, "Look! Can you believe this baby who was once in my womb will be boarding a bus for Kindergarten tomorrow!?"

I think all the frustration of the first morning masked my sadness because I was actually smiling when I loaded Kyle on the bus this morning.

So there you go, all that panic for nothing. God is so good.

In other new beginning news, Alyssa started ballet and it was just as cute as you would think it to be. My mother-in-law even came to watch her dance and I think I even saw her wipe a tear from her eye with all the nostalgia from Katie's dance years.

Now if only time could slow down so I can enjoy each of these new beginnings before they are not so new anymore.

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