Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing just happens

Three years ago I was working at a job I despised. I worked for an apartment management company where I was in charge of doing evictions. It was a very cruel but necessary job. The stress level was very high, and I was constantly arguing with tenants and being cussed out on a daily basis. It was during this time that we became pregnant with Alyssa, and we were building a new house. When I went out on maternity leave, I was really enjoying my time with the kids and the anxiety of returning to work was almost to much to bear. I pleaded with God to help me find a way to either stay home or find another job. 12 short weeks later, my prayer left unanswered, I returned to work. Three weeks later, I left the company.

While I should have been relieved that I no longer had to work for that company, the circumstances revolving my departure were terrible. I wanted to wait until I had another job before I left, but it didn't happen that way. I had a new baby, a new house, and no job. It was a very low point in my life.

I laid in bed last night thinking about this time, and the series of events that happened shortly after. Although I couldn't see it at the time, God was opening so many more important doors in my life after he had closed the one that I didn't want closed in the first place.

I was able to land an interview with the help of a very special friend, which in turn got me the job with my present company. The company that also happens to be 20 minutes away from my home when I used to commute over an hour to my previous place of employment. I just happened to find a Daycare (that the kids and I love) that's approximately 4 minutes away from my work, and I just happened to meet some of the kindest people who did nothing but look out for my best interest since I began working here 2 years ago.

Most importantly however, is through my friendship with two very special people, I just happened to have renewed my relationship with God. And I just happened to be invited to a Church where we actually anticipate going to on Sunday mornings.

Hindsight can be an amazing tool sometimes because it allows you to actually go back in time and see the series of God driven events that bring you to where you are today. At that time, I couldn't see the good in leaving that job. I was afraid to be without income, and I wasn't sure how we were going to get through. I met and worked with people who were selfish and judgemental.

The women I started working with at my new company were filled with kindness and understanding. Yesterday at church we learned about being a "salty christian." Very simply put, salt makes you thirsty and Jesus is the living water. We should be thirsty for Jesus. If you imagine standing with your friends and someone is pouring the salt on your head, more than likely the salt with land on those around you. If you express kindness and joy, they will rub off on other people. People will see your love for Jesus, just by the way you act. With my new friends, I could see that love by their actions towards me.

I wish I could have trusted him a few years ago, but I couldn't see past the fear. I'm still learning and growing in my journey with God, but I know without a doubt, that I am right where he wanted me to be all along.

And I couldn't be more grateful.

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