Monday, May 18, 2009

Ninny Free

My baby girl is not really a baby anymore.

Friday night after dinner, we talked to Lissy about not needing her "Ninny" (aka a pacifier) anymore since she was a big girl now. I should mention that I personally am in no hurry to be gone with the ninny being as Kyle was 3 before he finally threw his in the trash without my interference. I just felt like it was the right time for her and since she mentioned it, I thought we would go with it.

She stared at us for a minute and then told us she was going to give them to Landon. Going on this theory, we decided to go through the house and find all the ninny's and since Landon lives in Baltimore, we were going to have to mail them to him.

So that's just what we did.

We gathered all the Ninny's, called Nana (Landon wasn't home) and bagged em up.

We put our shoes on.

We posed for pictures.

We walked down the driveway.

We put them in the mailbox.

We waved goodbye.

And then posed for more pictures.

She went to bed without a fight and (more importantly) without her ninny.

Saturday morning she was a bit evil grouchy and with tears welled up in her eyes she begged me to call Landon and please get her ninny's back.

It done broke my heart. And it took everything I had not to walk straight out to that mailbox and retrieve my poor baby's ninnys.

But I didn't and a few minutes later she forgot all about it. She's only mentioned it a few times but I do see her frustration when she has to calm herself down or when she gets tired. All in all, she's done a great job and I am so proud of her.

Potty trained and ninny free. Where has my baby gone?

Saturday we did some yard saleing in the morning and the sun finally came out around noon so we headed for the boat to catch up on some much needed relaxation.

Without being too gross I must confess another milestone in my young daughters life.


She took a number two in the Luggable Loo.

Kudos to Daddy for handling that situation better than I did(I couldn't see past the tears of hysterical laughter) especially since we A. didn't have any toilet paper and B. didn't have any water in the Luggable Loo.


I'm sure it was just like all the other dreams I had of Lissy while I was pregnant with her.

Reading her stories. Check.

Buying her first purse. Check.

Holding the Luggable Loo while she takes a number two. Double Check.


  1. Awww.. Way to go Alyssa! Shes growing up too fast :(

  2. This is a good one Jen! Love the pictures. Give the angels hugs and kisses from me.
