Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Then and Now

Well Kyle's sickness came back again. Not so much the stomach issues as before, but the whole fever/achy/chills illness. Let's just say that as I was on the phone with his pediatrician making sure Kyle didn't have the Swine Flu, I was really regretting joking about me coming down with it.

I guess my payback was getting these awful leg cramps that started while I was at Landon's Baptism this weekend. It was enough to wake me up out of a dead sleep Saturday night with charlie horse pains.

Maybe the Swine Flu traveled to my thigh.

Anyway, it looks like a regular old virus for Kyle. Which is good because I tend to get a little nervous about those things, and I hate when the kids get sick. So the sooner he gets rid of this thing the sooner we can all go back to worrying about catching the Swine Flu again.

It was lunch time, the weather was beautiful, and Kyle was in a motrin induced coma, so we took advantage of the moment and decided to have a picnic outside. We grabbed a blanket and I went to work on creating the finest culinary cuisine for this special occasion.

On the blanket we dined on doritos's, cup of noodles, raisins and trail mix bars. We topped it off with a coke zero for me and a capri sun for the sick kid. I grabbed my camera and before I took a picture of Kyle outside on the blanket, I remembered our very first picnic and had an epiphany for a great blog photo then and now.



Five years later, this boy who once couldn't sit up without the support of a boppy pillow, or even engage in any time of conversation, sat with me on a blanket and had me roaring with laughter.

This same boy went with me today as I signed him up for Kindergarten.

We were a little early and it was the end of the school day, so we sat in the school parking lot and watched the kids head for their buses. He watched from the front seat of the car before heading inside, and I could tell he was intrigued by how old the kids were. Once inside, I watched as he kept staring into the cafeteria and he kept telling me how big the tables were. I put my arms around him as he shyed away from the teachers helping us register. I know he's just overwhelmed and he doesn't feel good, but I can't help but feel a little anxiety about this transition. I just don't think I'm ready to send him out into this world yet.

I had no idea when I took that photo, that it would one day stick out in my memory enough to blog about it. Not that I knew what a blog was then anyway, nor did I have this picture on the computer. No, I had to find it in the photo album. Scan it. Save it. Upload it, and then blog about it. Geesh, what a difference 5 yrs makes.

The point is, Kyle is going to do GREAT in Kindergarten. He will be apprehensive, yes, but once he settles in his routine he will be fine. He makes friends easy, is the funniest person I know, and has a kind heart. He is eager to learn and he catches on quickly. His heart is so pure and he sees no flaws. It's such a weird feeling to be heartbroken that your little boy is growing up, but excited to see his future, simultaneously.

And really, that last paragraph is just for me to read over and over again before September.

So here's to the Summer. 3 whole months to be a Mom with her little man before he heads off into this big scary world Kindergarten.

And just think, I haven't even made it through Pre-School graduation yet.


  1. My how fast time goes! Love him bunches!

  2. Time flies by so quickly. Like the song- Dont Blink. You wake up one day and wonder what happened to all the years? We dont realize it at the time. It was just yesterday that Kyle was brought into this world and I remember him sitting for the first time, crawling and walking. Now look at the little man. Lissy will be next.....
