Wednesday, April 29, 2009


After posting the picture yesterday of whether I may or may not have been using the Luggable Loo, I figured it wasn't the opportune time to talk about my Sunday.

Sunday, the day we are supposed to rest .

Sunday, the day I would have to leave my Grandparents house when I was little.

Sunday, the day I get to pick up Kyle from his Dad.

Sunday, the day T would have to leave my College and head to his.

Sunday, the day when you prepare for the upcoming week.

It seems like Sunday's have always been full of weird emotions for me, ever since I can remember. Some great emotions and some not so good. And it's like I start to feel the emotions of Sunday on Saturday evening. It's like the day is shorter somehow too. I always think of Saturday as a full day and Sunday seems like half of one since you have to go to work the next day.

I have been having different feelings about Sundays lately.

I have also been visiting a new church.


That was hard to write.

I bet that's even harder for my Grandmother to read.

And I have really enjoyed it. And so has T.

I have been Catholic all my life. There are many things I love about the Church. I love the history, the tradition, the beauty, the smell of burning incense, and the beautiful Christmas Masses we celebrate every year.

My grandparents worked hard so that I could attend a Catholic High School and I was a sophomore before I made my first confession. My children are Baptized in the Catholic faith, and I married in the Catholic Church.

I have many wonderful memories of the Catholic Church, and while I'm not sure where visiting this new Church will take me, I know this for certain.

My love for Jesus has gotten stronger but my growth and understanding of him is not.

I don't in any way want this post to seem as a bashing to the Catholic Church. I am still on my quest to finding a church that's right for me and my family and if that leads me back into another Catholic Church then that is fine with me. I take great pride and joy in all my years attending our Catholic Church, and all the traditions that have become part of our family. There is great beauty in receiving Holy Communion and participating in a Mass.

However, for the past year or so I have felt a change and pulling of my heart to explore other Church's to see what they can offer as far as my spiritual growth. As much as I talked about wanting to do it, I was nervous. The Catholic Church is all I've known. How can I walk into a new church full of strangers and participate in a service to which I have no understanding of? Where am I going to sit? What is the music like?

Easter arrived. What a perfect opportunity to try something new. Lot's of people will visit other church's at Easter. No one will ever know we are strangers?! No one except for the twenty six people from my work that attend regularly!

So we do as all new-comers do at any Church. We head for the back. WAIT! That's too obvious. Lets sit 3/4 of the way back. That will fool them. No one will know we are here.

Oh Look there's Karen! Hey Lori! Look, there's the Pastor's wife Beth, I've met a few times! What's going on, Jim? You want us to sit closer, Karen? Where do you sit? Way up there? Nah, we're okay here but thank you.

We were spotted. Like a thief in the night.

Now we meet and greet? No problem. The people here are very friendly. Okay we are back to our seats. Who is rocking out on the drums? Drums? In church?!


We were totally relaxed. We clapped. We sang. I now know the meaning of Praising Jesus. We did it. I did it. We listened to the Pastor. I caught myself nodding my head in agreement and understanding. I am understanding this?

You betcha.

It was time to go. More praising, more fellowship, more worshiping. All words I never fully comprehended until now.

And now I'm excited. I'm excited because I know that there will never be a perfect Church, but I know that you don't have to remain at one where you are not spiritually growing. I have no idea, if this is the Church where God wants us to become committed, but I do know that he calls each of us to be accountable and committed somewhere.

For now, I am happy. I have enjoyed myself the last few weeks and so has my family.
I am confident that God is leading me to great things and he has helped me step out of my comfort zone and into a place where people are overcome with joy to be sharing in Gods Love.

And they rock out on drums.

God is showing me that Sundays are all of the things I mentioned above. They are a time for rest. They are a day to anticipate the upcoming week. And, they will always be connected to me through various emotions.

More importantly, it is the day to Worship.

To give thanks to a gracious God from an undeserving sinner. Saved by the death of his Son Jesus.


  1. Gulp....(myself)! Maybe take a couple of them. I have learned Church isnt a building or a religion. It is what you believe in your heart. We have one purpose in life and that is to become more Christlike. We have to learn and grow. We need to feed upon the Word and you have to be taught the Word. Good Luck Jen! I am proud of you.


  3. Jen,

    I have shared this posting with several people. You have blown me away! God is good and faithful to hear us when we call. He is faithful to lead is where he wants us - keep asking! We have enjoyed having you with us over the past several week. Looking forward to many more times together.
