Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Luggable Who?

Last weekend was probably the funnest weekend I've had in a long time. Friday through today's (Tuesday) weather has been sunny and in the high 80's-low 90's so there was plenty of time to be spent outside enjoying life.

Friday we cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and prepped for our action packed Saturday.

Saturday, Lissy and I headed to some Yard Sales while T and Kyle got ready for Kyle's Soccer game.

The whole family came to cheer Kyle on! Katie and Landon came down with my Niece Amber. My grandparents were there, as well as T's Mom Lori! You guys have no idea how much it meant to him (and us) that you came.

After the game, we realized we had a few hours before heading to a birthday party so, remember that Pontoon Boat I talked about?
The day had finally arrived for us to test drive our new boat!

What a glorious day it was!

Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures of my hubby to post! I guess that's what happens when you're too busy having fun and other people have to worry about less important things like driving boats safely across the Potomac River.

So I guess you are wondering what we did when we had to, ahem, go? Did I end up purchasing one of these? Did we just hold it?

Why of course not! We used a Luggable Loo!

The big question is, would I actually be brave enough to post a picture of me using the Luggable Loo?

I can neither confirm or deny.

But I can leave you a picture for you to decide, if you choose, if I would or would not be brave enough to actually post a picture of me using a Luggable Loo.

I think I'll talk about my Sunday on another post since this one has obviously gone down the toilet.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA Looks like a good time.. And as for the last picture.. TOOO FUNNY!
