Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Purses and Birthday's

This weekend recap is a little late because I have to do these other things like working and being a parent, so it really tends to put a cramp in my blogging. It's also been raining for 4 days straight, and I think I'm coming down with the swine flu.

Friday we headed to the mall and did a little Mother's Day shopping. Not for me, but for our actual Mothers. On our way out we noticed a Claire's, and through the window I noticed lots of girly things that I thought Alyssa would enjoy, being that she is now at the ripe old age of 13 2. I headed for the purses and she headed for the lip gloss. We compromised on a Hello Kitty chapstick. And a purse. Although, I think I pushed the purse on her a lot little bit. I can't even begin to describe how happy I was that we were arguing over which purse I thought she should have. I kept pushing her to buy the tote but she was going for the clutch. Girlfriend just doesn't understand the endless storage capabilities that a tote provides versus the clutch. But I guess when the only thing you keep in your purse is your pacifier and a dried up fruit snack, you really don't see storage as a necessity.

She picked her purse and as we started to leave the mall, I made her stop so I could take a picture. I swear to you, I had to pull myself together because I felt like the tears were going to fall. There is something so wonderful about having a little girl. Before Lissy came, I lived in a boys world. My days were filled playing tractors, solders, and cars. Kyle would eat sand while I made pathetic attempts to imitate Monster Truck sounds. And while I enjoyed all those things with Kyle, there is just something different about a girls love for lip gloss and purses.

Saturday, we headed to Kyle's game where he lost 7-1. Whoo Hoo! I say "Whoo Hoo" because the first time they played this team, they lost 12-0. That is major improvement people. And, Kyle almost scored a goal!

Saturday's have been so fun for us lately! His games are usually in the morning so it gives Lissy and I just enough time to do some "Yard Saleing" before the game. I try to get Kyle to go with me but he would rather stay back and do "stuff" with T. Reason number 162 why I love having a girl.

That evening was Janet's birthday. We went to dinner and came back to her house to have cake and ice-cream.

Alyssa sat on Janet's lap while we serenaded her with the Happy Birthday song. All of a sudden, something went terribly wrong.

T said he feels that exact way when I sing to him.

Fortunately, she got over the meltdown in enough time to blow out some candles.

And eat some cake.

It was a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

  1. LOL so cute ! Now can you set up my blog page for me? Everytime I try I get another new blog acct so I have two with the same name
